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Fix, Don’t Discard MCAS/PARCC

This fall I had one on one conversations with many of our state's leaders and experts on the misplaced opposition to testing in gen...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Taking on the 'Climate Denier' Anti-PARCC Mob

With all due respect, 14 states still makes PARCC bigger that all previous K-12 summative assessments.   Not DOA.  I would ask everyone to be careful about overstatements and misstatements of facts.  I felt at times at the public forum at the library like I was at a West Virginia meeting of climate deniers discussing global climate change.  There was a looseness with facts that belie the thoughtful discussion about discussion we should be having.

From my perspective, while the decision whether to switch to PARCC a year earlier or to wait a year is a relatively small, technical decision that should be based on technology readiness, speed for return of results, and logistics, there are broader issues which I’d urge people to get involved with.

For example, the district is planning on utilizing EdWin, the state’s new Instructional Improvement System, to deliver interim benchmark assessments across the district next year.  There are other interesting assessment options (more MAPS, The Achievement Network, IXL) This decision will have much greater impact on our kids instruction than MCAS vs PARCC.  I would love to see the School Committee focus fall public forums on the comprehensive topic of assessment and not get overly distracted by a small, less consequential decision.

I guess what I am asking all members of our community, particularly on-line, is to elevate the discussion to our highest aspirations for our kids and schools and avoid the downward spiral of cynicism.

We have a new School Committee and will have a new Superintendent a year from now.  We have an opportunity to build on some very impressive gains in core academic performance, a great staff, safe and attractive buildings and a great mix of kids.  We are poised to become an ideal community for urban education.  Let’s stay focused on our broad goals and topics.


From: somerville-4-schools@yahoogroups.com [mailto:somerville-4-schools@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Frank Kelly kellyfj@gmail.com [somerville-4-schools]
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 6:56 AM
To: somerville-4-schools@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [somerville-4-schools] Re: School Committee discussion on PARCC and MCAS

Of the original 23 states who joined PARCC - 9 have dropped out

Time to admit that PARCC is DOA when less than one third of US states will adopt it.

Time also to admit that top-down Governmental efforts that bundle Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana with Massachusetts into the same bucket are doomed to failure. 

How about a plan that unleashes the creativity and passion of our teachers rather than encasing them in more and more laws?
Sadly our lawmakers cannot legislate that :-\


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