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Monday, January 12, 2015

xAPI Learning Log

This week we started "road schooling" Max and Charlie and I began recording the results in an xAPI learning log:

1/10/2015Maxlearnedabout cultural universals and worked with the family to complete the tab in this workbook.2Cultural Universals
1/10/2015Charlielearnedabout cultural universals and worked with the family to complete the tab in this workbook and focused with his dad on the timeline of American and Japanese history. He noted that he was not yet comfortable enough with US history, so we agreed to do a timeline for both. He now has a much better framework of major milestones.3Cultural Universals, US History, Japan History
1/11/2015Maxtestedon 8th grade math using TenMarks2
1/11/2015Charlietestedon 4th grade math using TenMarks1.5
1/12/2015Maxprac-testedGeometry using TenMarks. He was frustrated with his low score due to the platform.1.5
1/12/2015Charlieprac-tested5th grade math using IXL. He felt good about his progress.1H.1 Division facts to 12 - Mastered
H.2 Division facts to 12: word problems - Mastered
H.3 Divide multi-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers - Proficient
1/12/2015Charliewrotea blog about the book he read, Blue Fingers.1
1/12/2015Maxexpiencedindependence, navigating through Kyoto by himself to play MTG with Japanese adults.2

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