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This fall I had one on one conversations with many of our state's leaders and experts on the misplaced opposition to testing in gen...

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Common Core from Left to Right

- Common Core news -- the Chicago Teachers Union on Wednesday passed a resolution opposing the standards on the grounds that they "better reflect the interests and priorities of corporate education reformers than the best interests and priorities of teachers and students." The resolution also asserts that the new exams disrupt learning and take up too much time. The CTU, which is bucking the national unions on this issue, is vowing to lobby the Illinois Board of Education to overturn the Common Core - and plans to try to rally other union affiliates to its cause. Their resolution: http://bit.ly/1hyy1h7.

- And on the pro-standards side, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is touting a recent Fox News appearance by former D.C. Chancellor Michelle Rhee, who didn't hesitate to take on comedian Louis C.K. and his flurry of tweets mocking Common Core math. Some kids might complain that their new homework is too tough, Rhee said, but "we have to, as the adults, know what our kids need" - and be willing to tell them they've got to buckle down and get it done. That clip: http://uscham.com/1orUpNL.

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